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Detox Week

Each month I try to take 4-5 days to detox and cleanse myself from any negative energy that I may have picked up on or any problems that I may have noticed within myself. The best time to do that is when you are going into a new season, new week, or new month. Your mindset will already be set for great things to come your way.

This past week I had time to think about my career and where I actually want to go with my life. I learned what excuses I have been making for myself and things that need to come first in my life. I have to constantly remind myself that what is meant for me will not pass me by. And if you want to see different results then you must do different things. For me I am the type of person that has to keep reminders to knockout my overbearing feelings about life in general. Life is good to me and as long as I clear my mind and energy of thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me, I will be ok with that.

So for the next 24 hours I strongly encourage you to analyze things going on in your life that no longer serve you. Get clear in your mind and heart what your next step is. It's ok to step off the scene sometimes. Make you sure that when you make decisions you are thinking and speaking clearly. You owe it to yourself to have a clear mind.

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