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Upcoming Talent: Marlin Million Making Moves

Upcoming Talent Tuesday: Marlin Million Making Moves

The talented Marlin Harrington , best know as Marlin Million “ The Entertainment Mogul” comes in a complete packet. The 26- year old from Detroit, Michigan is known for his great choreography , marketing and for leaving Columbia College with $25 dollars , a dream , and a suitcase to chase his dreams and turn his goals into his future reality.

Ever since Mr. Million has located to Los Angeles California in 2010, he has been spotted with celebrities such as Kym Whitley , Karlie Redd , Erica Mena , and his bestie Mehgan James. The socialite also has a very hot commercial hip hop dance class he teaches at the International Dance Academy ( IDA Hollywood) .

Marlin is currently using 2016 to increase his brand and to produce his very own wedding reality project, which will showcase him teaching brides and grooms how to tear the dance floor up, with some great moves on their big wedding day .

Believe it or not , Mr. Marlin Million is doing all the shaking and moving to achieve his dream. When Marlin found out I wanted to interview him , he contacted me with excitement to let me know when he finally touched down in Detroit .

Interviewer (ThyRealTKay ) : What inspired you to chase after dancing ?

Marlin Million : Well , I started dancing at the age of 5 and I just remember watching television and watching music videos . I'm not going to use the cliche I saw Michael Jackson … although I did but , there wasn't many dancing opportunity in Detroit where I'm originally from . However , dance has always been a passion of mine . Through the roughest times when things were hard , like if I just started moving my body it just always made me feel better .

Interviewer: What brought you to leave college with only $25 & how was the process?

Marlin Million:

Well, I was living in Chicago for 3 years where I attended Columbia College which is a very well known school for the arts such as dance , journalism, theatre , and marketing just to name a few. The school was so great , but I was really having roommate issues. This might sound dramatic , but the people around me didn't want to see me do well . My friend Jeff one day asked me to watch a film named The Secret ,because I was complaining to much and within 30 second it had changed my life.

The next day, because of what I learned from the film I had hit the lottery for $500. At the moment I had only $10 in my pocket …. So at the point , I was like this is the universe telling me to go. So I purchased a one way ticket to L.A. and it was like $485 and I had two friends who told me I could stay with them for a few weeks . Four days after making this major move I was hired at Directv. I had sold so many Tv packets that month, that I was able to move into my own place 26 days later.

Interviewer: So , on a Hip-Hop aspect do you think that you could relate to Kanye West album The Drop Out , and if so what's your favorite song off the album and why?

Marlin Million: Absolutely ! While staying in Chicago at the time that album was always playing through the speakers & I honestly felt like I could relate to each and every song but my favorite song was Through the Wire . Listening to those songs and relating to Kayne life ,it gave me strength to leave school knowing that I had a vision and dreams of being in front of millions and that's why I changed my name to Marlon Millions .

Interviewer : Now I've seen you on social media with a lot of celebrity ,how has that experience been?

Marlin Millions : Hard!!! Like you know you're the same as them ,but it's kind of like I'm working for them and helping them with pursuing their dreams . Like I do have a lot of responsibility when it comes to a few celebs you see me with as far as managing and assisting . Overall , it's a fun experience meeting new people connecting and networking with them.

Interviewer : Now you said Mehgan James is your bestie . How did you guys become best friends ?

Marlin Millions : Well, she was on Bad Girls Club 2012 season and I met her through a friend who was on the show as well. But it was something about me us two that just clicked and stood out and we've been besties ever since .

Interviewer : So what would you say has been the highlight of your career so far?

Marlin Million: I would have to say it was me being featured on the Bobby D show my second day in L.A. He had did a story on me moving to California with only $25 and a dream . My family didn't even know I moved until a family friend seen me on TV and called my mom and told her I was downtown dancing in the street . I eventually received a call from my mom & she was like everybody keeps calling talking about you're on the news what are you doing , what's up ? (Laugh)

Interviewer :

So what's one thing that comes to mind when you think of Detroit, I know home is one ,but what else?

Marlin Millions: Yes!!! It's most definitely home ,but I would say talent. Detroit has so much raw talent . Actors , rappers , dancers , singers , poets and some of everything else.

Interviewer : So what's next for Marlin Million ?

Marlin Millions : Well of course I'm working on my wedding reality project, but I can't say too much because we’re in the pilot phase … but you can check out the website at

I will say stay tuned ,because I don't want to say too much .

You guys can follow Marlin Million on Instagram @Marlin_Millions to check out some of his dance moves and much more.

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