After Graduation Depression
I never knew this was a real thing! For months I have been counting down the days till graduation. Now I am finally done with school and everyone is asking you the BIG QUESTION.." So now what are you going to do?" I have been overwhelmed with this question for the past 2 weeks. Although I am happy to be done with school I feel like I have all these deadlines to meet. I have feel like I need to have my entire life together by the end of the summer.
Then you may have your parents asking you "What are you going to do?". How am I suppose to know? So here are some ways I've been working through After Graduation Depression:
- Increase your Prayer life. Know that even though you are uncomfortable right now, God is getting ready to bless you with overflow. If you trust him through the process you won't have to worry about where the next blessing is about to come from.
- Find things your passionate about ! Start a blog! Start a business
- Read more
-Try new things
- Most importantly , Keep applying for jobs
Remember if its meant for you it will be just for you. God knows when its your time. Be grateful for the season your in now.