College Girl Daze: Reading is Fundamental
Knowledge is POWER! Sounds cliche , but it is so true ! Whats the purpose of reading if you're not going to apply the knowledge ? One of the key elements I have learned while in college is to always open your mind to reading more things that help enhance your mind. Daily, we are around people that put a hole in our spirits. We go to work and deal with negative people or while in traffic we deal with negative energy. Sometimes we tend to read or watch things that dont help our spirits soar.
So if we are constantly reading and watching negative things how can we prosper? I go to the book store 3 times a month to go pick up a book just to make sure I'm renewing my mind with new changes and challenges. Read books that serve an interest to you. Anything full of hate, doubt and fear , YOU DONT NEED.PUT IT DOWN .You are so much better than those books that make you hate your ex.
Thats negative energy and hatred. Release yourself from getting back at someone and find a book that is trying to help you spiritually grow, that teach you new philisophies, or that teach you about what you're going to school for. There are so many wonderful possibilities for you. Everyday you get to wake up to a new day full of new experiences. Today is the day that you can start reading new things and apply what you're reading to your everyday life. Check out my video to see what new books I've been reading !
BookRecommendations :
T. D Jakes- Destiny
Joyce Meyer- Power of Being Thankful
Joel Levey & Michelle Levey- Simple Meditation and Relaxation